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June 07, 2004



Now, the question, would Aikido work against Kant? I know that it could work against Kahn since we are taught to defend ourselves against sword attacks while unarmed (if he is on a horse, I am screwed however).

But would mental aikido work against Kant? Definitely food for thought.


Mental Aikido - you could charge a fortune teaching classes in that to the gullible!


I know. It seems like a Dogbert kinda thing to do. The best part will be when I start throwing wrenches at people and tell them to block with their mind. It's shame its slow around the site. Must be tough writing with Reagan's death eating up the news. It's weird because people were calling me at work asking if we are taking Friday off, and I'd say that since Reagan would prefer us to work on Friday, we are going to work. Then I use the mental aikio, Hai!

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