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June 11, 2004



As a diehard LOTR fan, I agree to some point. When I first move into my apartment I called the local phone service provider to setup my phone. I was then barraged during the call to sign up for 18 other features that came with the phone including Star Wars Defense Technology. Agreeing to whatever things they said, they set up a date to install the line with the usual appointment time 1-5pm.

So, I take the day off from work to wait and wait and wait and wait, and then wait. No one shows up (this was during the massive power outage last August). So, I call and ask what is going on. They say sorry they couldn't send anyone out there, they'll come tomorrow, which I lose it on. Fine, ok, we set up another time the next day. The next morning I receive a call saying that they goofed and they did set up the phone line the actual day they showed up.

So, I check the phone line at the apt. and there is no dial tone. Well, I call back to learn they only guarantee a connection the apt. complex's phone room and I'd to pay for and arrange for that connection to my apt. So, I promptly loss my temper and told them to cancel my account with them. They told me fine, but I'd still have to pay installation fee. I said, you didn't install anything or else I'd be talking to you on my phone line rather than cell. Push came to shove and they sent me a $5.00 check for any inconvience which I didn't cash but kept as a wereglid of my victory over the phone company.

Oh, you can also pay most of your bills online. Not a bad thing to do, if you ask me. Oh and don't even get me started on healthcare. I had a physical yesterday with my doctor in which I waited an hour to see him for a 10 minute inspection. Heck, the guys who change the oil in my car, take 20 minutes to do so. God bless our healthcare system.

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