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June 28, 2004



I promise when I am elected President to take care of this issue once and for all. I do think it is quite telling that the first President of the U.S. said upon finishing that there were a couple of things we shouldn't do, include form political parties and the like.

Course, after he quits we do exactly the opposite he said. Makes sense. The guy was only president for cripe's sake.

My favorite hobby now is talking and listening to people and guessing what their personality state is and how sane and insane they are. It's a lot of fun and it's a blast figuring out a person's belief system and testing them out on it. Our presidential "debates" would be more interesting if the candidates did this more often.

Oh yeah love the media: can't wait till it's Al Franken running against Hannity in 2016. Personally I'd vote for the Budweiser's lizards at this point. When beer commercials understand the political process better than the people, well we have the political process we deserve I guess.

Teen Outer Life

The media can spawn good candidates too. My grandpa thought Ronald Reagan did a good job, and wasn't he a singer or something?

Personally I think Shrek would be a good candidate for higher office. He's down to earth, understands the little guy and is funny, but he's also tough enough to stand up to America's enemies and has got to be rich enough by now to self finance a campaign.


I like that as long Louie the Lizard and not Donkey is Shrek's running mate. The last thing we need is Eddie Murphy in the White House.

The last time that occurred it was that so-so movie "The Distinguished Gentlemen".

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