"Hey, did you hear, that guy Marat is dead."
"No. Really?"
"Yeah. He was stabbed in his bath by this mad woman."
"Charlotte Cordray?"
"Of course. Who else!"
".... Well I suppose it was bound to happen, wasn't it."
"Absolutely. Only a matter of time, really."
"Serve him right for not locking the door."
"Yeah, yeah ... But listen to this, there was something funny about the whole thing."
"Oh yeah. What was that?"
"Well ... and you didn't hear this from me .."
"Go on..."
"Well ... they say he was wearing this weird turban type thing on his head."
"No way ..."
" ... Way!"
"Bit of a turn up for the books, eh."
"You're telling me!"
"You know, I bet the murder scene would make a nice picture to hang on somebody's wall if you did a nice painting of it, especially with the turban and everything."
"Yeah. If it was tastefully done."
"Surely you mean tastefully ... executed!"
"Ha ha"
"Ha ha."
"Oh dear me. That was funny... Anyway. Who knows, your Death of Marat painting could even be museum quality if you really spent some time on it."
"Maybe even used the cover of some books."
"Yep. You never know with a good death scene. Sky's the limit."
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