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June 03, 2004



Or it could be just another of those "great minds think alike" occurrences.


Well, to be honest, it's typical sub-editorish word play.
But I like to think they stole it!

Outer Life & Outer Life, Attorneys-at-Law

Dear Sir or Madam,

It has come to our attention that you have been using the phrase "Boeing Boeing Gone" and representing to the world that it belongs to you.

Please be advised that our client, Mr. Alex Lash, has used this phrase at least since April 2001 when he wrote a particularly prescient piece in the Industry Standard (http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0HWW/is_13_4/ai_72765157) that utilized the very phrase you claim to have invented years later.

We hereby request that you immediately cease and desist your unlawful use of the phrase "Boeing Boeing Gone" or we will be forced to take more fomal legal action.

Yours truly,



Yes. But from what I understand the Alex Lash usage was a mis-print. He had meant to write the reverse of Boeing Boeing Gone, namely: "Going Going Bong."

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