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June 01, 2004



My folks (originally from Worcester am I and the rest of my ilk) are in Boston now. Can't wait to hear their report.

As far as cleanliness goes, how do you expect them to keep the city clean when the janitors are the sons and daughters of the councilman.

True story: a good family friend was part of the local Democrat party machine. Both his sons were part time janitors for the county jail. By part them I mean they'd clock in a hour each day, but get paid $20 an hour for about 4-5 hours a day. Most of the time spent reading books or magazines.

The funniest story I heard (and unsure if it's true) but the doorman or one of the main workers for the Boston legislature was found to be making $50,000 to $60,000 a year even though he lived all winter in Jamaica.

All I know is that for all the time I spent in Boston as a kid my dad never took me to the Boston Garden. God I wish I had gone there. Hope to get back to Boston for the first time a decade this year. Keep it clean for me.


Of course.

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