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June 29, 2004


Teen Outer Life

TV stars are already more familiar to me than my own friends and family. They're a lot less embarrassing too.

Also, don't forget how cool it is to watch the TV screens on the head rests of the car ahead of you on the freeway. I watched an entire episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" that way the other day.


I've only seen two episodes of the Sopranos yet because that is only culture my workers watch, I have to sit through their endless talks about how cool the show is.

As far as "Curb" goes, it was recommended to me by my brother. So, I say to my Mom since I was over the house when they had a free cable showing of it, let's check this out. Needless to say it was the episode concerning "Happy Endings" (i.e., the "extra stuff" that happens during a massage session). Not exactly a fun hour to spend. So, I have sworn of that show as well, but am forced to listen to people blather on how great it is.

The Hatemonger's Quarterly had a great piece on how people's common sense now comes from two sources: the Simpsons and Seinfeld. Who needs the Bible for wisdom when you can reference Kramer?

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