Those of you with an interest in fine literature might be interested to know that, as I discovered in the Christmas bumper edition of The Spectator, not only have the "Selected Stories" of Julian Maclaren Ross been finally been re-issued in Great Britain, but also his "Collected Memoirs" too. This is a great boon by any standard, even for those of us who have spent much money and many hours tracking down those rare copies of the great man's work that infrequently become available in musty bookshops around the globe.
Since no American company has the verve, wit, or understanding to publish these books in the US, I was forced to phone my dear old English grandmother, persuade her to brave the freezing wind and rain in Cookham, take the bus to Maidenhead, buy books for me, and then mail them on. You, on the other hand, will probably have to order them from the UK online retailer of your choice and have the tomes shipped. But take my advice, do this today, you will not be disappointed by the quality of the man's writing.
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