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December 15, 2004



Re: "This must be why the wise old Hebrews drew N as a slippery eel that they called "nun" ". Hmmm. Reeling in the years, I don't recall any nuns that I had the misfortune to encounter that were eel-ish. Their body types tended toward the woodchuck/beaver family; beady eyes and gnawing teeth.

If I may propose a 27th letter, to be squished between "N" and "O". Stealing from the Pythons, I suggest the letter that would be pronounced "Ni" (as in "the Knights that say.." It would basically be the Nth degree of "N". Using "Ni" rather than "N" in a word would indicate to the listener, that the word in question, no matter how ridiculous its intention, is the final word in that discuusion.
Situation 1
"What's wrong?"
"No, really, what's the matter."
"Oh come on.....etc. for another 5 minutes"

Situation 2:
"What's wrong?"
"OK, bye."

Outer Life

Stephen, you're just a nattering nabob of negativity when it comes to "N". Although, come to think of it, N is a little blow-dried and phony, looking like an M with a nose job, so I guess you have a point there after all.

I look forward to your story of "O", my favorite letter.

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