By the way, Jeremiah, a fine specimen of the genus Rana Catesbeiana, known in common argot as the North American bullfrog, happened to be a rather loyal and extremely agreeable companion of mine; not quite, perhaps, what purveyors of children’s literature might deem “an inseparable friend”, since Jeremiah would often, for example, retire to a nearby swamp to pursue his interests in the more experimental manifestations of entomological gastronomy, but it could be said, without fear of contradiction, that Jeremiah and I had, beyond all doubt whatsoever, forged the most definite and unbreakable bonds of mutual esteem for each other’s qualities as an acquaintance of great importance and respect. Indeed, my own concern for Jeremiah’s personal well-being reached such an extent that I would regularly invite him along on my excursions to the classical ballet. On such occasions, Jeremiah would usually hop around on the floor in an amusing and cheerful imitation of the dancers. Afterwards, sharing a glass of chilled Sauvignon Blanc in the marbled foyers between the richly gilded statues of David Bowie and Hank Marvin, I would attempt to engage Jeremiah in a critical discussion regarding whatever performance we had just witnessed, but Jeremiah’s series of what must have been highly perceptive croaks fell upon ignorant ears, since his peculiar idiom and dialect were not familiar to me, nor for that matter, I imagine, was my own language comprehensible to his fine ear. Still, behind those wise old bulging eyes of his, I knew that Jeremiah was a cultured and loving soul who only wished only the very best for those around him. To the fish that swim in the impenetrable depths of the deep blue oceans of this world, including but not exclusive to Pacific and the Atlantic, to these fish - especially the Haddock, Ling, and South American Hoola Shark (his personal favorites) – to these fish I happen to believe that Jeremiah wished enormous and eternal joy, and that such special greetings were also extended by Jeremiah to persons such as myself, whom he knew well, and also to people like you, whom he had never met and never will. Yes. Jeremiah wished us all joy and happiness, as indeed do I.
Now, where was I? Oh yes: I woke up dis mornin' ....