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September 21, 2005



It won't be "God", it'll be Archie McPhee who lives in a caravan at the foot of the hill who gives you wiFi from Ben Nevis.

Enjoy your vacation: although your choice of title is peculiar. It suggests you've had your head cut-off, but will come back rejuvenated in October as Stephen II, dressed to the nines in pantywaist lace, silver-buckled shoes, crowned with a three-foot diadem of other people's hair. Back you shall flounce, trailing behind you a coven of "Nell's" and other floozies. My Lord.


Ah, Bonny Prince Bearded! Ye've foond oot me sacret. (I realize that that was a very poor version of Scots dialect and I apologize unreservedly). But anyway, since I consider each blog posting to be a little mind-fiefdom unto itself, a break between posts is consequently an interregnum.


Have a great trip. Hope the thin air doesn't affect your return to posting; you've been on quite an admirable roll.

Bleak Mouse

Ha. We can do ANYTHING WE LIKE here while he's gone. Of course, we may wish to clear out when those perishables really start to go bad.

The Crack Young Staff

For crying out loud, Stephen, please return! We're lost without you.

Bleak Mouse

Yes, Stephen, you'd better return, and be right quick about it. The Crack Young Staff are all nice enough youngsters ordinarily, when they have the benefit of a solid social structure. But they're starting to get a bit out of hand -- filling up the sink with dirty dishes, breaking things, generally getting a bit vulgar. The liquor isn't helping. The one called "Chip" is being especially excessive.

You must return and reassert order.

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