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October 07, 2005


Bleak Mouse

I'd always thought it was "guided by the expert and firm fanny of Mrs. Hannah Adams." I deeply loved this book as an adolescent, to the point where the book naturally fell open to this very page.I'd hate to think...but no, impossible.


Pray, where might I obtain a few lashings of Olde Sphincter’s Blasting Red Cheeker Extra Strong Cider? The holiday weekend approaches, and I daren't show my face at Lady DeMethane's annual bumblast bunting evening without it.


This is wonderful, but I don't want to be around when Mrs P sees it. The last time I made sport of Miss Austen, Mrs P wouldn't speak to me.

One hopes that this warning will encourage you to continue...and continue...until you have a whole book that I can buy and read over and over.


Oooh, don't alienate the Austenites - they're a vengeful bunch. Much more of this gassy pastiche and the aforementioned dangly bits will be under threat.

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