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October 18, 2005



Crikey! Are you sure there wasn't a body attached? Gruesome!


I am the Val Lewton of snapshot digital photography.


Why do people take and post pictures of flowers? Damn flowers. Symbols of Life, Sex, the Next Pay Raise. Whenever I'm fed up with these goodie-goodies, I come to this haven of anti-loveliness. Each day you are providing another addition to that folder of self-incrimination. To answer Andraste, I think there was a body attached and you will shortly showing it, most probably in bloated pieces. Vegas has the odds at 5-2 that it's David Lynch's.


Val Lewton? (alias Vladimir Leventon) That Val Lewton? "He was an almost painfully kind, sensitive, and non-confrontational man." ( from http://www.acm.vt.edu/~yousten/lewton/bio.html )

Show me the kindess (the almost painful kindness) in that glove? It looks more like that glove is beckoning me to jump.

Mortimer Shy

Being sensitive to the undulations of your prose, I can not help but notice that you have used the flotsam now twice in a row without the jetsum. I hope you will consider this imbalance, or are already dealing with it.


There ain't no jetsum in the river. Just lots and lots of flotsam

Bleak Mouse

Val Lewton may have been deeply sensitive and all that (though his daughter says he was a creep), but he trafficked in counter-have-a-nice-day images of death, darkness, insanity, and other cool stuff.

I've nearly finished watching the whole Val Lewton Horror Collection, which has already brightened several of my days.

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