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October 03, 2005



Funny how that petrol is. Used to be almost as cheap as gas. In fact, our gas now is approaching petrol's high prices. Luckily, our drivers still sit on the left side, so we should be safe from further price gouging. And our prez has Jimmy Cartered up, so we'll certainly see better times ahead!


Oh, yeah. Welcome Back, been missing your wry posts.

Bleak Mouse

I always thought "petrol pumps" were worn by a certain type of girl in high school.

Dumped that Baez chick yet, have you?

Just so I don't have to submit an additional comment a few minutes from now, as DarkoV did, and end up looking like a complete idiot -- Welcome back.


Don't be fooled by that petrol lark - an english litre is twice the price of a US gallon.

When they changed from gallons to litres back in the day, we were all completely flummoxed having no idea howsoever to work out how much our petrol was costing us.

Seven years ago it was around $6 a gallon. Don't you be telling me taxes have gone down meantime!


The latest price I saw for the US was 37 pence per litre. It is 94 pence per litre here. That is 2.5 times the price by my reckoning.

The difference is tax only makes up about 7 per cent of the US gasolene price, whereas it is 67 per cent of the UK petroleum price.

Also do not confuse a US gallon with a UK (Imperial) gallon when doing any conversions for pricing.


Bleak Mouse..."complete idiot"?!??!? Please, that's "considerate complete idiot".

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