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October 26, 2005



Inheritauk. That's good.

Mortimer Shy

Consider also the unbroken record The New Yorker has of publishing the consistently worst poetry over the last half a century. The only way you can tell it is supposed to be poetry is that is ragged right.

Offal Quippe

I find Drew Crappe's cartoons especially challenging to note when the New Yorker picks him for the weekly caption contest. No matter how many times I've entered a suggested bon mot attached to his cartoon, I've failed even to qualify as 1 of the 3 finalists. It must be something that I'm missing in his renditions of subliminal life....

Bleak Mouse

Unfunny cartoons make me feel like a highly sophisticated intellectual. When I pass around an unfunny cartoon, it is the yokels and nobrows who say, "I don't get it." They don't get invitations to any more parties.

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