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October 03, 2005




Remember that line from "Alas, Smith and Jones," where Smith says "...and still, no one knows how the ancient Britons erected the stones," and Jones goes, "Well, it wasn't the ancient Britons that did it. It was the young Britons, the ancient ones just told them where to put them." ?

That was funny.

Bleak Mouse

Wonderfully evocative post, S'esq.

At very least, it saves me a trip.


Went to see King Tut exhibit in LA tonight, and thought again of this post, because I completely understand the phenomenon though lack the words to properly describe it. There is something strangely wonderful about standing face-to-face with a remnant of the ancient world, even if it is just some boulder (and you're surrounded by people saying "isn't even very big?")

It isn't just a boulder, and by God you know it.

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