Those pampered mandarins at the United Nations had better hope that the rogue Disneyland states do not resume their nuclear testing programs.
Personally I don't trust that Ayatollah Mickey Mouse and his irresponsible band of greedy, slavering cohorts.
After all, who can ever forget the alarming events of Sorcerer's Apprenticegate? Those dark days when the very fabric of this novelty musical glow-in-the-dark Planet Mars that we call home was in very real danger of deflating with a sort of embarrassing 'pssst' noise.
Meanwhile, whatever happened to Mr. Boutros Boutros Svengali? He has mysteriously vanished off the face of all those Benetton billboards. And when will evil UK vice-president Lon Cheney finally admit he has one of those cute wicker baskets full of unwashed black vinyl 'Ghengis Khan' style underwear?
So many such important matters need to be investigated. So many probing questions require answers. And the only response the supposedly venerable New York Times can muster is to print a really big newspaper!
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This was all predicted when Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band sang "The Stork Has Brought a Son and Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Mouse" in 1966. For those too blinded by facile optimism to see the dark message, "Big Shot" and "Death Cab For Cutie" made it all too plain. Although the "Jollity Farm" era of international power relations has not (arguably) fully arrived, all the signs are apparent.
And that's just the first album. Typically, The Gray Lady did not review any Bonzo LPs -- although their haughty reviewers were certainly quick enough to miss the point of the darkest Disney cartoons that played in their precious "art house" cinemas.
Do you think that's enough Bonzo references for the rest of 2006?
Posted by: Bleak Mouse | January 13, 2006 at 10:15
WTF are you talking about?? And, leave my gerbil alone you Brit wanker. Sincerely, unless I'm not.
David A. Sault
Posted by: David A. Sault | January 14, 2006 at 22:51
WTF is he talking about? We're all American wankers here.
Posted by: Bleak Mouse | January 16, 2006 at 12:15
Yeah! WTF! Yankee Wankee or nuthin'!
And we're gonna call yer gerbil "boy."
Posted by: stephenesque | January 16, 2006 at 12:22