Welcome to Noah's. What are you commandments today?
Yeah, hi, er .... I'd like a foot-long calf please.
Fatted or unfatted?
Erm, fatted.
Wheat ark or rye?
Rye ark, please; with spicey manna, neuchadnezzars, herod paste, and a side of iscariot beans.
If you order our new Goliath Special for only fourteen talents more you get a free large Red Sea soda.
Awesome! That's what I call a revelation. I'll have one of those.
For here or Exodus?
Exodus. Got to get back to the desert.
No problem. Enjoy your sandwich and may the seed of your loins prosper in the belly of your woman.
More e-genius! Bravo!
Posted by: The Crack Young Staff | June 29, 2006 at 13:08
Thanks. But I can’t help thinking it should have been a Chinese restaurant instead. I like the idea of Egg Fu Moses and General Gau’s Manna
Posted by: stephenesque | June 29, 2006 at 13:31
deli works better than chinese because of the customization opportunities although one from Group A and one from Group B(perhaps before your time) does suit the male/female thing.
exodus = to go
that is just plain delightful,..
Posted by: rorosen | August 09, 2006 at 08:46