Muggy, ideal mushroom-growing we have been experiencing of late, as if we were all sweaty gnomes forced to abide beneath the water damaged canopy of some damp fungus. In fact, I came across such an enormous specimen this morning beside the river, roughly the size of punctured soccer ball on a stalk, large enough to provide shelter for at least six or seven gnomes: perhaps it was a gnome apartment block?
Obviously I have not done much filming considering these conditions, since between the wet weather and the World Cup I can accomplish nothing, and so my little HD video project will probably be postponed until the Fall for sure. Perhaps that is all for the best as autumn offers so more drama possibility than summer does.
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Once you experience the first taste
of autumn I am sure it will dawn on your that winter is really the right time to begin your movie; possibly you should delay it even beyond the first of the year, because, if you think about it, nothing will have happened yet in 2007, and so your movie will not have to suffer odious comparisons with all the other movies from 2006. Probably your should wait another year before really beginning, though.
Posted by: Mortimer Shy | June 26, 2006 at 15:07
Photography will commence on the 12th of Never at this rate.
Posted by: stephenesque | June 26, 2006 at 21:37