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August 07, 2006



mincemint? must be served at Rupert's Vegetarian xmas,..


I have always found Rupert to very weird for kids. He is too, too human. But on the whole I guess that's a good thing really.


which is good, the weird for kids or his being human? The bookshelves above my head groan under my wife's Rupert and Enid Blyton collection stretching back into her unreal childhood. Don't make her choose between the two. But I suppose a bear's head jammed onto a boy's body is disturbing.


Surrealism is good for kids, makes 'em think!


true, and employing them as interior decorators will lead to very interesting 'trips' to the midnight bathroom,.. who knows into what world the white rabbit of a wife will fall if you leave the dali seat up?


Regarding that Noddy link:

If you move your cursor over the various flags a delightful sound effect ensues.


Mr Rosen - I think you have the beginings of your own story for children there!

Carter - I know. I am already making the ring tone for my phone.

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