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August 04, 2006



I'm delighted to see that someone still remembers that wonderful bit with the strains of the Moonlight Sonata drifting toward the micorphone as Beyond The Fringe did their thing.

"Never you mind, my dear. You just put on a cup of hot tea."


very chilling. Liz Schwarzkopf died August 3, 2006! You mention her and a few days later recount a seance experience. First of all, who knew she was still alive? And second, where exactly were you at the moment she passed? I believe she is trying to send you some sort of message,..but what?


I had no idea that Schwarzkopf is currently humming "Moonlight Sonata" with the angels. That is kind of bizarre.


maybe you should start taking those powers a bit more seriously. I'd make an appointment with Madame Blafatsky,..


sorry. I just discovered the 'preserves' so now I realize you have been taking this other worldliness rather seriously.
(next time, check in there and ask if you are the funniest person who has ever lived)


Answer comes back: Peter Cook is the funniest man who ever lived.

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