Without even the merest hint of a shadow of doubt, brooking no argument whatsover in the unshakable certitude of my own invioble logic, I can unequivocably proclaim that it is hereby decreed by me that the best website in the whole wide world is unquestionably the BBC online.
Not only does the BBC internet provide pages and pages of informative and scrollable text on an invaluable amount of fascinating subjects and newsworthy regional events both in Britain and abroad, readers can also gain access to live streaming and archived audio of the BBC's famous radio broadcasts.
Frankly, I do not have enough hours in my week to listen to all the shows I want to hear on Radio 4 and Radio 7. These two radio channels alone are absolutely worth the risibly small television license fee (roughly $19 per month, free if you are over 75 years of age) that the British government asks its citizens to pay for covering all the fabulous services the corporation provides. Anyone who complains about coughing up the few pennies required is obviously the meanest sort of miserly Scrooge who ever collected cobwebs on his wallet. If you don't like the system then relinquish your TV set, or simply remove the receiver technology and only watch videos. I personally have funded the BBC over the years by my relentless purchase of shelf-loads of their extremely over-priced CDs and DVDs: ".... I've bought you yet another adaptation of "Poldark" for Christmas, auntie. Just what you always wanted."
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