In desperate need of creative diversion, my inner-craftsman persuaded me to take up glass blowing. So far I can only produce a sort of smudgy mist on the pane. Not very decorative. But I can at least sign my work by writing on it with a finger. It may not be common knowledge, but glass blowing is actually extremely dangerous, especially if the blower lives above the third floor. I have nearly fallen out of the window twice already. I am trying to make a vase.
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I think temperature may be your problem.
Try eating raw chillies.
Posted by: Mikeachim | December 27, 2006 at 22:13
Rather, think cold, fast air and keep the tongue high in the oral cavity, producing a whishing sound as if shushing your gossipy friend.
Posted by: David Irwin | December 28, 2006 at 03:10