Just what is the deal with home decor stores these days? All the goods for for sale are either bundles of brown sticks, lumps of unpainted clay, or a sheet of rusty and dented metal. It's like browsing for housewares in the Khyber Pass:
"I'd like to buy a comfy cushion, please."
"Sorry. We haven't got any, but we do have this Tuscan shit sack stuffed with loose stones."
"Okay, I guess that'll have to do. Now what about a couch to go with it?
"Well, we've just received a shipment of really beautiful six-foot rock escarpments from Outer Mongolia featuring fossilized marine life embedded in the surface."
"Can I eat a TV dinner on it?"
"Sure. If you don't mind your drink sliding off every now and then."
"Whatever. I'll take it."
"So that all comes to a grand total of $2,600. Can I put that on your Visa card today?"
"No, because I'll be paying with two chickens, a goat and a bag of salt."
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ah - you are in rare form today! may i take this to infer you are shopping for new furniture? please let me help!
Posted by: edana | March 20, 2007 at 08:59
I would let you help, but I can't afford an antique William Morris designed screen and matching chaise at the minute.
Posted by: stephenesque | March 20, 2007 at 09:09
So funny.
Posted by: Anna | March 21, 2007 at 21:08