Is it not religiously revealing that Trappist monks, who devote more time than most to the profound contemplation of God's great design, also need to completely blotto every day by brewing those extra powerful ales for which they are so justly famous? Ask the brothers themselves about this thorny theological problem and they simply draw a rather indiscreet cowl of silence over the issue. Indeed, usually so incapacitated by beer that they cannot even speak, the Trappists apparently have adopted a proud and unrepentant attitude regarding this monastic policy of inebriated omerta.
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yrrrr m'best fuggin mate y'arr.
fuggin love you ido.
Posted by: Dr Maroon | October 04, 2007 at 07:56
Would that the 'cowl of silence' became an American fashion trend. Imagine the fashionable neither seen nor heard.
Posted by: OutOfContext | October 04, 2007 at 08:02