As Dr Maroon has so rightly pointed out, the subhuman stalkers at Connecticut Florists have tracked me down using a spam generator called Blog-Digger Dot Com, and they have victimized my blog by defecating their disgusting advertising into the comments section. Consequently I have decided to close the comments on all posts from now on. I don't want the diseased fungus of American commerce infecting my little corner of the internet.
Obviously I could employ one of those hieroglyphic comment authentication service things, but what's the point? I don't get that many comments anyway, so I really can't be bothered.
So thanks, Connecticut Florists, I hope all the flowers in your stores wither and die; I hope your garden ornaments crumble into unbreathable dust; and I hope a syphilitic vagrant urinates on your cash register. Your vile essence would corrupt even the most foul compost heap in the lowest pit of Hell.