Why do Eskimos not construct their igloos from blocks of frozen color dye? With just a little imagination there might be some pretty psychedelic homes brightening up the otherwise bleak plains of pale, Arctic tundra. Furthermore, gossipy residents could hold interesting conversations such as:
"Where does Eskimo Nell live?"
"Over there, in that rather lurid looking scarlet igloo."
Meanwhile, I am writing an Eskimo fairy tale about an Inuit Hansel and Gretel who are ensnared by an Eskimo witch who lives in a delicious strawberry popsicle house. But fortunately bits of the paper wrapper are still frozen stuck to the outside of the popsicle house, which the kids think is "yucky." They suddenly decide that what they actually want is a chunk of fried whale blubber on a stick from Ol' Man O' Flaherty's House O' Blubber, and so they escape to witch's evil, strawberry stained clutches by going there instead. The end.
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One senses that the teller of this tale most especially enjoys intoning the final, telling words: The End. (In which the tale is not only ended, but itself condemned.)
Posted by: Edward Williams | October 01, 2007 at 14:25
That's a great idea that the eskimos need to hear about. Does dogsled mail pickup in your neighborhood?
Posted by: Carter | October 01, 2007 at 16:32