December 25th: Pocket Diary is unwrapped with much disappointment because festive parcel was originally thought to actually contain an iPod.
December 26th: All remembered birthdays are entered into diary, along with any known appointments and events, however trivial and inconsequential they may be. For some reason, street address of parents is also added in appropriate section.
December 29th: Weights and measures conversion tables in back of diary are vaguely consulted during moment of extreme boredom while waiting for bus. Name of girl met in bakery is hastily scribbled on back page of diary, along with unreadable telephone number: is that a 4 or a 9?
January 2nd: Random page of diary is thoughtlessly torn out when emergency enclosure is needed for piece of chewing gum that requires immediate disposal.
January 5th: Very small pen that attaches to spine of diary is lost somewhere.
January 8th: Amazingly, Pocket Diary survives wash and spin cycles of laundry machine when forgotten about in back pocket of jeans.
January 14th: After not making any entries for several days, and with no real reason to enter anymore in future, Pocket Diary is finally abandoned in home office desk draw. Excuse is made that "more room" was required on diary pages to enter details of very active social and professional life.
Two Years Later: Very small pen that attaches to pocket diary is found in inside pocket of old jacket being donated to Salvation Army stores. However, jacket is rejected because of large blue ink blob on inside lining caused by ink from very small pen leaking into pocket. How did such a very small pen contain so much ink?
Four Years Later: Pocket Diary is rediscovered in office desk draw with pages stained yellowy-brown and stuck together by unidentified and potentially toxic liquid seepage. Uggh. What could possibly have caused that? Pocket diary is picked up with kitchen tongs and finally thrown into garbage.
This is the life cycle of the Pocket Diary. It is repeated every year.