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June 15, 2008


Peter Horne

It's the usual nonsense that I and your other regular reader read you for. And we're not Celtic, the Celts only got as far as Gaul. Our ancestors actually came from Northern Spain so that makes us Basques (or is it Basks?) or is a Basque an item of ladies' underwear? Bugger! Back to the binge-drinking for me.


Surely the Celts went "round the Horne" as well?
Obviously the cultural designation "Celtic" is really up for grabs in ethnographical terms, which is why I used the term "crypto-Celtic." I'd say that about every one in La Tene modern Europeans have some Keltoid blood in them (lame archeological joke, apologies in advance).


I understood that the actual Britons retreated to Wales, and that the Saxons took over from there.

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