The optimistic monks of Saint Martin's-in-the-Swamp have commissioned me to create a new commemorative stained-glass window for their memorial chapel. I don't why I told them I could make such a thing, but I did. I'm always getting myself into fixes like this, promising more than I can deliver.
I suppose I'll just have to pretend that whatever mess I come up with is actually a modernist, abstract design depicting some of the more fiery and brimstoney episodes from Rabelais' experimental translation of the Old Testament.
I've already settled upon Daniel Among the Brood-Mares of Gomorrah as my Biblical subject material for the first quandrant of the window. I don't think the monks are going to like that much, either, no matter how optimistic they might be.
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I am more impressed with the fact that it is the design you are worried about instead of the actual crafting of a stained glass panel...
Posted by: rannva | June 06, 2008 at 19:16
Posted by: stephenesque | June 07, 2008 at 20:00
Daniel Among the Brood-Mares of Gomorrah -- I overlooked the fact that you were commissioned by a group of optimistic monks... I am confident that you will do well. Please submit crisp and clear photos of your results. I assume you are doing a tritych - you know with the brood-mares and all?
Posted by: rannva | June 08, 2008 at 01:31