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July 17, 2008


Mia Wolff

you can make oil from coal--but usually it isn't cost effective
its a process called Fischer Tropes after the 2 German guys who invented it

Lloyd Mintern

I just went the Convenience Store to get some CoffeeMate, because the milk keeps going bad in this hot weather. So if they can make synthetic coffee creamer, why not synthetic oil? Is this the kind of thinking cap you are hoping for? Of course if they did make synthetic oil, there might be a big storage problem.


The reason why sheep are so easy for the scientists to clone is that sheep ARE clones, even when they have to go through the process on a natural basis. See? The resulting sheep is a clone regardless. That's why counting them all makes you fall asleep. etc. And who wants more oil, anyway? I'll be glad when it's gone.

Lloyd Mintern

Oh, and you can't clone inert substances! Only living things, like sheep and people, and I agree completely with Thinkerbell.

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