Robin: "Goodness gracious me, Batman! We're in Stratford-Upon-Avon!"
Recently I've been thinking that Batman could improve his caped-crusading performance by studying crime-fighting techniques in other countries. After all, to paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, what should they know of Gotham city who only Gotham city know?
Perhaps, then, Batman could relocate the Batcave to an elfin grotto beneath Anne Hathaway's cottage? Or possibly just rent the Millennium Dome for a few months. He already has a butler, of course.
English super-villains have names like The Humourist, The Punster, The Badger, Cat Duchess, and The CCTV-Avoider. But Batman himself would have to be very careful while he is resident there, since he could very easily incur a criminal record of his own, simply by consistently driving his Batmobile on the wrong side of the road at velocities well over the speed limit. Or for operating a utility belt without the proper license.
The notorious English weather would be another drawback, too, particularly those dense fogs and mists, making the police's Bat-signal difficult to see at the best of times, no matter how brightly it was beamed into the sky. And I can't really see Bruce Wayne getting on very well with Boris Johnson either.
So I guess I don't know. Perhaps Spain might be a better option?
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