As a self-proclaimed Witch-Craze Denier, someone who believes that the witch hunts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries weren't as bad as modern feminists have made them out to be, controversial historian David Disgustine is refused entry to Salem and many parts of northern Europe. "I'm not saying that no witches were burned," he says. "Just that they weren't burned all that badly. Perhaps a slight crisping around the edges and a bit of an irritating ruddiness in the face."
Miss Elsie Nobrah of the The Old Crone Memory Project disagrees. "Millions of lonely old women were condemned in kangaroo courts and then executed by crazy old men," she argues. "You'd have to be a crazy old man yourself to believe that these crazy events never took place."
"Whatever," replies Disgustine. "The United Nations established a permanent home for witches in Cambridge, Massachusetts after the Revolutionary War. What more do these wretched women want?"