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November 01, 2010



I'd keep the receipt, and show it to your fiancé every time she asks you to say that you love her.


So...congratulations are in order?

american fez

Congratulations are always in order.

Mia Wolff

恭 喜! 恭 喜!
that's congratulations! (twice) in Mandarin
hey, never hurts...


I call all gemstones carbuncles, though I think it is only correct to use the term in reference to garnets.

The Anti-Gnostic

Fun at the jewelry store:

Introduce yourself as Gandalf, then ask, "Is it secret, is it safe?" while looking anxiously around and gripping your staff.

Attempt to open the display case by gesturing with your hands and saying in a loud voice, "Open sesame!"

Walk in dressed in full pirate regalia and demand to see their booty.

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