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January 17, 2011



In the Netherlands this is known as the so-called 'Droste effect', Droste being a chocolate and cocoa brand. The latter used to be sold in tins depicting a woman carrying a Droste tin, depicting a woman carrying a Droste tin, depicting a...etc. etc.

american fez

Droste pastilles were once widely available in the US but I have not seen them for some time. I always enjoyed the hexagonal tubular packaging.

Lloyd Mintern

This Installation of yours seems to be rather an explicit (though tortuously expressed) message to NOT go into the Museum of Fine Art at all. By the way, while standing there have you noticed that significantly more people go into the Museum of Fine Art than come out again?

american fez

It's actually a Dadaist concept, Lloyd, since the Museum of Fine Arts is currently closed for renovations.


@American fez: they're still available here. My mother used to love them.

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