As I was about to step into the shower this morning, I noticed that a fractal style design had mysteriously appeared on my bath mat overnight, flattening the weft in an intricate circular pattern. It was still damp to the touch and emitting a weird, mildewy energy. Such a strange, mystical imprint could not have been created by any human foot, unless the foot in question happened to be afflicted with a remarkable set of bunions or a particularly impressive verruca.
I suddenly recalled those odd, loofah-shaped lights I had observed hovering over the hot water tank the previous evening. At the time I had dismissed them as merely a figment of the blinking thermostat, but was it possible that they were actually the landing gear of an otherworldly craft from some distant gas company beyond the stars? And if so, was the fractal pattern on my bath mat a message from this alien corporation that I could lower my hot water bills by switching to their brand new, environmentally-friendly, solar powered heating system? Or, more prosaically, is it just really about damn time that I flung the wretched mat into the laundry?
And I noticed odd swirly patterns in my sugar bowl this morning.
Ant footprints or aliens?
Spoon doodling?
You be the judge...
Posted by: Cowtown Pattie | February 02, 2011 at 19:46
You've obviously had an encounter with the mythical Sweet Tooth Beast.
Posted by: american fez | February 03, 2011 at 13:35
Thx info.
Posted by: The Anti-Gnostic | February 04, 2011 at 16:00