Having made the rather unseemly boast recently that this blog will never die, I find it currently bedridden with a severe case of writer's bloc; an especially malignant malady no doubt brought on by unwisely wandering across a hubris infested expanse of dense egomania; or it could just be that nasty jinx bug that's been going around. The prose doctor has prescribed making lists. Very well, here is a list of interesting things I have done so far this week, possible empirical grist for my malfunctioning mill.
1. Purchased a small, half-tone cartoon of a seance by the Italian illustrator Sergio Tofano, circa 1929
2. Complained vociferously to my savings bank about the vast number of promotional offers they send me.
3. Watched an hour-long 16mm documentary about the Majdanek concentration camp
4. Began re-reading Auberon Waugh's Country Topics in tandem with Christopher Isherwood's Down There On A Visit, a book never previously opened by me.
5. Enjoyed a leisurely bus ride from Central Square to Central Street; rubbing shoulders with what Somerset Maugham would call "a lovely load of human litter."
6. Currently settling down to watch Real Madrid play Barcelona in a Champions League semi-final at the Nou Camp
7. Looking forward to our Nantucket excursion this weekend.
You might think I could construct a paragraph or three from one of those events, but apparently not. This desperate brain rattles around my skull like the last walnut in a gift basket, but alas, to no avail. I am very busy with work all day on Wednesday, so perhaps I'll have another bash on Thusday. "Light blogging until then," as we used to say in the rapidly diminishing Blogosphere.