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April 17, 2012



It's really too bad that voice activated software is still so sucky, you could jabber away and the computer would type it up for you. At its present level your blogs would look like some sort of gibberish, but don't be downhearted, the computer mavins are hard at work trying to make it feasible. I fear when they have perfected it, the web will be filled with every mans minds mumblings.

american fez

That's a good thought, but I prefer to employ the human touch (meaning I prefer to boss people around).


As to dairy...I am reminded of a soft red brown, doe eyed Guernsey cow we had when I was a girl. It was my, "duty," to milk her every night after school. She gave the very best milk and sweetest cream. My Dad used to make up his secret ice cream recipe, which we then took turns cranking on our hand cranked ice cream maker. I have never tasted better ice cream since...yum!


I see, another secret, "One Ring," wearer. I have accused my husband of that. He also has the will to dominate. As to myself I would never think of it.
{Any sarcastic reply will do here.}


Especially with writing text that does happen yes, the moment you want to put your thoughts in words you don't want to anymore.


This is like, looking at the, post a comment block, and thinking...how can I make him laugh, before I have to get back to cleaning toilets, for my company arriving this weekend?! Seriously, which would you prefer?! Typing or toilets?
He responds...
Too much information...really way too much information. Sorry.

american fez

You put it far more succinctly that I did, Laurent! That's exactly what I wanted to say.

american fez

Only schadenfreude makes me laugh.


I shall not gloat, should I observe, your morose delectation.
Nor sneeringly, return a taunt, with joyous predilection. Sighs...


That's the reason for a considerable time I open my blog page, make mental list of what I was going to write about, sigh and close it again.

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As to dairy...I am reminded of a soft red brown, doe eyed Guernsey cow we had when I was a girl. It was my, "duty," to milk her every night after school. She gave the very best milk and sweetest cream. My Dad used to make up his secret ice cream recipe, which we then took turns cranking on our hand cranked ice cream maker. I have never tasted better ice cream since...yum!

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pushed him on toward the rig.It was 2 a.m.On legs so weak he could barely lift

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