You can call me shallow and philistine but I always judge a classical music CD by its cover. Beaming bald lute players with Amish style beards or unimaginative photographs of autumnal trees will never capture my dollar. I suppose I can understand an image of the musicians, however ugly they may be, but many CD manufacturers seem to think that they can simply stick on some sort of picture resembling an anti-anxiety motivational poster and everyone will be happy. Wrong. Dreary pictures of violins nestling amid sheafs of musical notation and seasonal fruit are also unacceptable. Likewise, anything decorated with rosy-cheeked cherubs or gilded angels. In fact, classical CD manufacturers should probably forgo any type of visual representations whatsoever and just sell their wares in clear plastic cases. Meanwhile, thank God for mp3 audio files that don't require horrible printed covers. That's what I'm truly thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Next week: more dog stuff I'm afraid.