At this butt end of the calendar, should not the hands of our clocks have fallen back to registering autumnal time by now? Next weekend, November the third, I am told. But, considering the skies are still 'starlit and Bible-black' at six in the morning, I can't help thinking those horologists responsible for adjusting the hour are running a little bit late this year. It seems the intricate system of cogs and gears in their decision making process might require winding-up.
Nobody, besides Dracula and rock musicians, likes rising from their bed into a day that's as dark as the night before. For that is how, stumbling around in the gloom, you walk headlong into the door jamb and stub your toe on a table leg; how you pour heavy cream into your coffee mug by mistake; and how you kick your legs through wrong-way-around underpants that are also inside-out. The day is already ruined and the sun has yet to rise. So wake-up you American horologists, I think it's time we fast forwarded the 'fall back' date for Daylight Savings Time.
This whole Daylight Saving Time is complete nonsense ever since we're not mainly agricultural societies anymore. I wish we'd get rid of it.
Posted by: Laurent | November 09, 2013 at 19:53