The waiter approaches towing a wagon laden with numerous containers. "Would you prefer bottled or tap?" He enquires. "Sparkling or still? Flavored or plain? Malvern or Vichy? Briny or fresh? Irrigated or drawn from a well? From mountain spring or lowland lake? Straight up or ...watered down?"
"I don't care." I reply. "We'd like to order a bottle of wine before we decide on anything else."
"Certainly, sir. Red or white? We have ..."
"Rosé, please. The only one on the menu."
Ugh! That's what I do, too: ask for rose, and then, as an afterthought, for a slice of lime in my water - because they WILL fill up my glass with water, even if I specifically tell them not to.
Posted by: Tat | November 28, 2013 at 14:23