Last night I dreamt I took the bus again; the shoreline route.
How much is a single fare to Mandalay, I asked the driver.
I don't go to Mandalay, he said.
But it says Mandalay on the front of the bus, I said.
Oh that's just the name of the bus, he replied. It only goes as far as Jamaica Inn. From there you can arrange for a private piggyback if you want to go further along the coast.
In my dream, the coast was a huge cliff divided into three distinct sections: Old Novel Point; Adaptation Point; and the modern part, Sea Quell, which had no point, literally or figuratively.
Mandalay was down a dirt road, midway between Adaptation Point and Sea Quell. I had to change piggybackers twice and made a note to write a negative review of the poor service on TripAdvisor.
After all, in dreams begin responsibilities, so I have a responsibility to warn other sleeping tourists thinking of riding the somnambulant Daphne Du Maurier Bus Tour.
My advice is this: if your dream budget allows, for God's sake hire a car.