Healthcare costs in the US continue to rise faster than the temperature of a patient with tropical fever. You almost want to fall sick in order to get your money's worth. Nothing requiring surgery, of course, or even hospitalization, but certainly expensive antibiotics, time-consuming applications of gauze, and perhaps the odd transfusion or two.
It's a travesty that the unused portion of my annual payment cannot be rolled-over into a savings account to fund treatment of future illnesses. I must have paid a King's ransom in health insurance premiums over the years; enough to ransom not only the king but his queen and courtiers also, with enough cash left over to house them all in the castle of their dreams.
How I wish I spent the money on the fabrication of a DNA clone of myself, instead of some stupid HMO. At least then I'd have a sympathetic ear to listen to my whining about sore throats, sniffles, and aches and pains. God knows, the automatons working at the clinic don't seem to care.
But I shouldn't complain. One day I won't be able to afford healthcare at all. Even a simple flu-shot will be beyond my means. I shall have fallen down the slippery medical slope from Blue Cross to Red Cross, from paying for insurance to requesting charity. Please give generously if you are still alive when that dark day arrives.