Apparently I can be an "influencer" by promoting products and services on American Fez in exchange for financial reward. It's an especially insidious form of advertising; fake enthusiasm, in today's Presidential parlance. There is no 'and now a word from a sponsor,' just cloak and dagger commercialism inserted between the lines.
This soap is beautifully soft and fragrant, I might write, for example, in praise of a minuscule bar of industrial-strength cleansing agent, illustrating my opinion with an ancient photograph of myself from when my skin was baby backside smooth. Meanwhile, like some marketing version of Dorian Gray, my actual face is festooned with blotches and rampant acne.
Perhaps I wouldn't even use the soap. I'd merely post a gushingly positive evaluation as if I had washed with the wretched substance. But my faithful readers would be unaware of my deception as they order a year's supply and I grow rich from their gullibility.
Alas, I have scruples; the poor man's curse. Come buy, come buy, the goblins cry, but I refuse to peddle plastic Chinese junk from beside the virtual brookside rushes.
Unfortunately for me, however, it's particularly self-defeating to maintain scruples in this day and age. Soon, as traditional vocations and categories of employment disappear, being an influencer will be our sole means of making a living as Social Media becomes the new factory floor. Not limited to promoting mere products and services, online influencers will also trade their political and religious beliefs for instant cash, or Bitcoin, whatever the Hell that is.
Of course, such disreputable wheeler-dealing is already happening as I type. We live in a time when standing ovations are shamelessly received after successful exhibitions of duplicity and misrepresentation in the public sphere. People even vote for the prime movers of such displays: All in favor of your own exploitation say aye. There is not only a Goblin Market on the Internet but a Troll market as well.
Oh well, modern dogma dictates we must all embrace change however annihilating it may be. But what kind of misanthrope with money to burn will buy anything boasting a rave notice from the idiosyncratic American Fez? What types of unfashionable merchandize can I buzz-market on this dusty, cobwebbed corner of the web? There isn't very much for sale in the world that I hold in high regard. God knows I'll need to think of something and hope the manufacturer's salesmen will be content with, at most, a modest three-star review.
What about groundbreaking medicinal tinctures, home-away-from-home nursing homes, scenic burial plots, discreet mediumship and seance solutions? Perhaps all of these essential requirements for American Fez readers can provide grist for my online influencing mill. And since I can't stomach the cynical fraudulence of being a Goblin or Troll, I promise to promote whatever service I write about as a simple, honest Pixie.