"Religion is the opium of the people." But considering modern man's numerous dilemmas, perhaps it is truer to say that religion is the medical marijuana of the people. After all, such a therapeutic effect is how the various religions of the world ameliorate the day to day terrestrial experience of their adherents.
And there are many similar comparisons we can make. All human activities have their analogous drug-of-choice. Social media, for instance, is the heroin of the people, reducing its users to isolated and anxiety-wracked addicts incapable of any action except desperately seeking their next update. Spectator sports are the PCP of the people, inducing violent spasms of adrenalin in agitated fans leaping up and down in front of their big-screen televisions. Politics is clearly the dehumanizing crystal-meth of the people, resulting in the destruction of communities, mental derangement, and loss of interest in personal hygiene.
So what is the opium of the people? Where might you find an old-fashioned opium den still serving customers? Obviously it's Hollywood, befuddling easily-distracted viewers into imitating its tinsel-tinged, technicolor simulacrum of what is already an ersatz version of reality. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Mr. Disney.
As for blogs like mine, I feel they are the narcotic equivalent of some mythical plant only found in the deepest recesses of the Amazonian rainforest, requiring five days of fasting and participation in a bizarre torchlit ceremony while wearing a feathered headdress before any effects can be felt, specifically telepathic communication with 'Blogger,' the wizened and inscrutable spirit who lives in the magic Internet tree. Hi there!