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January 05, 2021



Late December? An artist in Germany mailed me her 2021 Calendar on 12/07. Still didn't arrive to US, if I'm to believe the message stuck on the Tracking page of USPS...


I'm sorry. That's terrible. If it's any consolation, perhaps you will appreciate it even more when it does arrive. It has been an awful situation for artists and small businesses who rely on the US mail. I'm sure it's not that great for the overworked mail employees either.


Interesting that the only category you didn't feel sorry for is he customer.
Yep, that hapless person who
a) spent time researching for product to buy
b) contacted the artist/small business, offered to pay hard-earned money for their product (note, the artist didn't advertise, didn't in any way ask the customer to buy their product)
c) paid thru paypal, thus giving money for the transaction to a 3rd party, another business owner
d) paid USPS, thru the involuntary tax system
e) in case the customer decides to cancel, (s)he still not get neither their time, effort, or 100% of their money back.

As to poor USPS employees: pff. We are 10 times more overworked than they are. And 10 times less compensated.


I long ago learned that is customer is only always right if the customer isn’t me. I had hoped my sympathy was implicit.


Yes: to poor overworked USPS drones.

Forgive me, I am really. Really. cranky today.


Of course. Everyone is cranky. With good reason.

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