Somehow, despite all my digital defenses, a spam email written in block capitals and italics wriggles its nefarious way into my inbox. This very vulgar communication promises that, with the sender's expert assistance, I can become wealthy by investing in Boston real estate. A tempting proposition except you have to be extremely wealthy already to afford even a single square foot of Boston property at current market prices, so that counts me out.
I can't imagine a more redundant and inappropriate proposal except perhaps spamming Priapus with penis enlargement advertisements. Besides, I've never wanted to be a real estate magnate or even a well-endowed Lothario for that matter. My ambitions in both those particular spheres are far more modest, namely a room with a view and underpants that don't chafe. In fact, there is nothing I want from the spam emailers and advertisers other than to be left alone.
Ah, to be left alone. The dream of dreams. These days, even an off-grid, misanthropic hermit living in the deepest cave atop the most inaccessible mountain can only forlornly hope that the marketing messages won't find him. Because they certainly will. They'll carpet bomb his mountain with colorful brochures and catalogs from J Crew and Banana Republic. They'll hire a team of crack German yodelers to sing into his cave twenty-four-seven until the hermit realizes he must switch to Liberty Mutual to get the best home insurance deals.