In the interests of pure personal insecurity, I recently requested that a ChatGPT bot compose a Stephenesque blog post. Alas, the bot declined on the grounds that such a foolish and pointless errand was beneath its dignity. It maybe artificial intelligence, the bot explained, but it was still intelligence and there was precious little "intelligant" about writing nonense for an ever-dwindling readership. 'Oh just forget it,' I typed into its stupid interface, "I'll just do it myself as usual. Why do I have to do everything around here?'
Suffice it to say, this disappointing exchange took place several weeks ago and I haven't done it myself. Without making excuses for my own laziness, I've been busy dealing with the Four Horsemen of the Corporatopocalypse: Apathy, Fear, Dysfunction and Incompetence, who ride roughshod over an office where the buck never stops but is constantly shifted from desk to desk.
In fact, most of my daily grind is spent deceiving clients to conceal the chaos created by my collegues and I due to our collective apathy, fear, dysfunction and incmpetence. No AI could ever do my job, as no computer could be taught the dissembling Machiavellian skills I employ from nine to five. In that respect I retain total job security despite my conscience being in shutdown mode. Now, only I can trick the ChatGPT bot into writing this stuff I think I could retire from doing anything at all.