Within the walls of the Citadel of Eternity, beneath the towers of the Palace of Life, at the furthest end of the Hall of Now, there is a small Bathroom of Anxiety where I spend most of time.
"Are you going to be long in there?" demands the Gatekeeper of Experience, persistently knocking on the locked door.
"Just finishing up," I lie, before returning my attention to the unforgiving Mirror of Uncertainty screwed into the wall.
"Well don't be all day," the Gatekeeper replies. "You've got things to do and places to go."
I instantly respond with a Fake Flush of Apathy then turn the Faucet of Irritation on full blast, wasting as much hot water as possible. Stupid Gatekeeper of Experience, I tell the Mirror of Uncertainly, he's so annoying.
"I'll be waiting for you in the Antechamber of Today," the Gatekeeper tells me. "If you're not there in five minutes I'll leave without you and you might miss some good opportunities to do some really great stuff."
If only he could be less vague and offer up a few concrete examples of 'some really great stuff' once in a while.
As it is, sooner or later I have to leave the Bathroom of Anxiety, head for the Antechamber of Today, and just hope for the best as I wander the winding streets of the Citadel of Eternity with toilet paper stuck to my shoe.