Once upon a time, things were generally reliable although sometimes experienced failure. Nowadays, things are mostly unreliable but occasionally can prevail. Such is the state of things.
I remember when you could trust things to work out. Back then, things were actual physical things. Alas, things have become invisible data on solid-state things on computer hard drives ... or worse, things are intangible things on the so-called Cloud, which is a thing I don't understand.
Yesterday's something is tomorrow's nothing. Apparently built-in obsolescence is a thing that affects us all and everything has its sell-by-date, even that thing you thought was inviolable fact. Nobody believes in that thing anymore. It is a thing of the past.
I should probably just pack up my things and go but quitting is the last thing on my mind. I need to see this thing through to the bitter end. A demonstration of personal resilience is the important thing in times like these.